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Not only is it the safer and easier way to pay online, it's also one of the most secure payment methods available today as you never need to expose your payment or banking credentials. To pay, you simply select your bank and enter your mobile number, then approve a payment notification within your bank app. That's it.
I don't bank with one of the above banks - when can I use Online EFTPOS?
The Online EFTPOS team is currently working to bring on other banks. They will happily pass on your feedback if you drop them an email at to let them know who you bank with and how much you’d love to see Online EFTPOS! If you feel generous to contact your bank directly, it’ll help them even more.
I don't have the relevant bank app on my phone. Where can I get it?
Look for ANZ, ASB, BNZ, "Westpac One", Cooperative bank apps on the Google Play Store (Android) or iTunes App Store (iPhone).
What do I do before I start using Online EFTPOS?
If you use your bank app regularly, you shouldn’t need to do anything specific to start paying with Online EFTPOS. If you have recently installed your bank app, or haven’t used it regularly, please check a few things before you start:
For ANZ:
For ASB Bank:
For BNZ:
To approve your first Online EFTPOS payment with BNZ, you’ll need:
Access number: You can find your 9-digit access number in the BNZ app, under ‘Settings’. You can also find it on the back of your BNZ EFTPOS, debit, or credit card.
Password: If you’ve forgotten your BNZ Internet Banking password, you can reset it in the BNZ app under ‘Settings’. You can also reset it from the BNZ webpage login screen. Just select ‘Forgot your password?’.
For Westpac:
For The Co-operative Bank:
You’re automatically set up on The Co-operative Bank Mobile App.
I didn't receive a payment request in my banking app.
There might be a few reasons why you didn’t receive a payment request in your banking app.
How long do I have to approve my payment?
You have four minutes from the time of sending a payment request to log into your bank app to approve the transaction.
How secure is it?
Online EFTPOS is the most secure payment method today because Online EFTPOS doesn’t ask for your payment and bank credentials and you can only approve each payment via your bank app.
What’s the most I can spend using Online EFTPOS?
You can use Online EFTPOS as many times as you want within your daily limit. The daily limit may vary per bank and per customer. If you are unsure, please contact your bank for assistance.
How long does it take for the payment to go through?
If the funds are available, the money goes through right then and there. No hassle.
What happens if I need a refund?
Contact the merchant you originally bought from. They can refund you and you’ll receive the money back into your bank account immediately.
Most up to date version of our FAQs can be found:
For our video please use: Online Eftpos Video