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Postie has been clothing Kiwi communities for over 110 years. While our store network continues to grow, so does our commitment to positively impact our communities, people and planet. It matters just as much today (if not more) than when we opened our first drapers shop on the edge of the West Coast gold mines.
It’s important to us to be transparent, so we’re committed to sharing as much as we can with you around our supply chain; We share our factory list and results from third-party ethical and environmental assessments of us, like the Baptist World Aid Ethical Fashion Report.
At Postie, our mission is to offer great quality products at everyday low prices without ever compromising on the human rights of the people who make it all happen. We’re not perfect, but we’re making positive steps towards towards minimising the impact our industry leaves on the planet.
Responsible ethical sourcing is an ongoing process and our suppliers are regularly re-audited by a specialist independent third party to make sure we are continually meeting our standards and developing positive relationships for ongoing improvement. Working together with our suppliers is vital in ensuring we’re partnering for success, for the long run.
Within the last 24 months we have conducted 217 factory audits which gives us the most up-to-date position of our direct supplier base across all regions.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for the use of child, forced and prison labour in the manufacturing of our garments. We aim for full transparency and do not allow outsourcing or subcontracting unless sub-contractors are audited and approved also.
Most of our products are produced in China, followed by Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Cambodia. We do not source materials from regions or work with factories where we have grounds to believe they don't comply with our code in ethical sourcing policies. We continually monitor developments in this regard.
Postie is part of the Best and Less Group a clothing retailer with stores throughout Australia, we have been developing initiatives together, to ensure ethical sourcing throughout our supply chain. View our FY22 Modern Slavery Report lodged on behalf of the group which Postie was proud to be part of here.
Our customers’ safety is of the utmost importance to us; we want you to know that safety will never be compromised in the name of affordability.
We use strict safety protocols at our factories, including metal detection machines, flammability tests (as per Australian/NZ standards) and the restriction of all hazardous chemicals and dyes.
At Postie we’re committed to making ongoing improvements to reduce our impact on the environment. We are on our sustainability journey, and we've made good steps to reduce waste and minimise our impact on the environment.
We care about the future of our planet and believe that keeping materials out of landfill and in use is a great step to help reduce our impact on nature.
Re-use and recycling
We use re-usable stock bags for all stock transfers between stores and to and from our warehouse and all our stores recycle packaging materials where possible.
We also donate shop fixtures that are no longer needed and unwearable items to local charities where they are re-purposed for ongoing use.
Energy Usage
As a part of store-level sustainability education, we run awareness programs with our team members in conjunction with our energy provider to foster a sustainability-culture, encouraging behaviours like car-pooling to and from work.
To further reduce energy usage, we have started rolling out LED lighting to our stores.
Email receipts
Since October 2019, we’ve been offering email receipts to our customers to reduce our paper use.
Single-use plastic bags
When the government ban was introduced, we avoided sending our remaining single-use plastic bags to landfill by seeking out charities who had an alternative use for them.
Our organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic chemicals such as fertilizers, which prevents soil degradation, water pollution and ensures farmer wellbeing.
Postie partners with Mondiale, a leading international logistics provider as our warehouse provider. Mondiale is a Climate Leaders Coalition partner certified organisation and strives to be environmentally responsible throughout all its operations, actively seeking to minimize their environmental impact.
Key initiatives include;
• Our company vehicle fleet will not be leased for a period longer than five years to ensure that it is renewed regularly with current lower emission technology.
• Our transport fleet is using route optimisation software to lessen fuel usage and minimise excess engine idle time and improving transportation efficiencies.
• Mondiale offices actively promote workplace recycling and waste minimisation.
• Our customers are encouraged to receive electronic invoices to minimise the paper wastage of printing and mailing invoices.
• We have committed to identify measure and document our carbon emissions as part of our Climate Leaders Coalition pledge. We then continue to develop and refine systems designed to ensure ongoing relative emission reductions over time.