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Frequently Asked Questions

When I type in my email address the site won't let me log in?

Please ensure that your internet browser security settings are set to 'medium', if they are set to high then they can sometimes interfere with our website.

If this doesn't work you can email us at

I forgot my password – how can I reset it?

If you have an online profile and have forgotten your password you can click the 'Forgot Password' link and a new password will be emailed to you.

I get emails from you but cannot log in, why?

If you are on our mailing list you will receive email communications from us, however this does not mean that we have set up an online account for you. With a number of security protocols to go through this is something you must do yourself. You can create an online profile by clicking on the 'Log In' link at the top right of our home page.

If I get emails and then create a login will I have more than one account?

If you join Postie using an email address which is already subscribed to our mailing list, we will merge this information so you only receive one copy of any email communications. We will not duplicate an account.

If I create an online account what happens to my store account?

When you create the link to your store account in the online profile, we then manually link them so all transactions are held on the one account. If you do not link the accounts then you will have 2 accounts. If you believe this might be the case for you then email us at